Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Chinese Admiral threatens to sink a U.S. Carrier

Chinese admiral threatens to sink 2 US carriers, killing 10,000 sailors if US does not bow to China’s will in the S. China Sea. “We’ll see how frightened America is”

China has been screwing the United States for decades--even Democrats will admit that. But they would rather focus on "inconsequentials" to bring down Trump.

"China's Admiral Luo’s chest-thumping is in response to what he views as a US challenge to China’s sovereignty claims over Taiwan and the East and South China Seas. “If the US naval fleet dares to stop in Taiwan, it is time for the People’s Liberation Army to deploy troops to promote national unity on (invade) the island,” Luo declared in December."

Read more about China...

The sea carries tremendous strategic importance; one-third of the world's shipping passes through it carrying over $3 trillion in trade each year.

Taiwan is the 22nd-largest economy in the world, and its high-tech industry plays a key role in the global economy. [Wkipedia] Taiwan is fully self-governing but China doesn't recognize its existence as a separate country.

1 comment:

  1. Luo is a nut that won't be around much longer.
