Sunday, January 13, 2019

Antifa in our city?

Antifa targeting police in South Florida, promoting killing officers

Lake Worth to be exact. I live among the dregs in this city.

Read all about it... and see the video of them marching down Lake Avenue last year.


  1. "I live among the dregs in this city."

    Your neighbors in your condo community on the banks of Lake Osborne will be pleased to know that you consider them "dregs."

  2. lynn forget this garbage for one day and have a happy birthday

  3. neighbors who live out here agree with me and they are smart enough to know I am talking about you.

  4. Lynn, here's a suggestion: stay happy, stay safe, stay comfortable, and stay out of the hair of Lake Worth residents who love their community for what it represents and what it provides them.

    You walk our streets, visit our restaurants, and enjoy our beaches, but yet all you do is b*tch and gripe and whine and call your fellow residents names.

    We love our city. We feel like it is a unique oasis in the suburban clutter of Palm Beach County. You are always telling people who disagree with you to start their own blog. Go find another city, Lynn, if you hate this one so much.

    So tired of the negativity. You visit and then you head back west to criticize and call people names.

    Get a life.

  5. Well, stuff your stupid suggestions. I love this city. I live in it and have a hell of a lot longer than you.
    It is people like you that I DON'T LIKE.
    GET IT?
    Change your politics and then we can speak.
    Have respect for the police and for the safety of our country.

  6. 11.32 is one of the stupidest sounding quacks in this city.why don't you get the hell out of you live east of tracks with the other phonys

  7. Wanda, you have a hell of a nerve coming on this blog and writing what you did. Are U crazy/ If you write something so stupid, how about using your real name.

  8. Lynn,it's hard to shine the light on ass holes like 11:32 because they pucker up and shoot out $hity comments because they don't have any intelligent arguments. Lake Worth and the people in it owe you a debt for keeping past and present administrations honest.Thanks for keeping your blog in their faces!

  9. And back to the topic-I hope they find the snowflake who did this. There are so many cameras in this city!
