Friday, January 25, 2019

Andrew Gillum committed "Face Crime"

"Andrew Gillum (thank God he's not our governor) jumped at the opportunity to score who-knows-what kind of political points. His tweet -- which has been resent more than 14,000 times -- remains up on his feed. Gillum uses the word “honor” for a man who tries to claim active-duty status when he in fact was busted numerous times for abandoning his duties." SunshineStateNews]

Gillum took the side (of course) of the Indian in a tweet, a guy who has a serious history of being a bad actor, instead of even attempting to find out the facts. After all, it was kids wearing Make America Great Again caps. But with Andrew Gillum, along with the nutty news media, jumped right in and attacked the kids, Christian schools, etc.and glorified Phillips.

P.S. Andrew Gillum's tweet is still up. So much for hatred and ignorance, Andrew.


  1. Another witch this morning, Lynn.

    Soon it will be Junior's turn.


  2. So glad this IGNORANT scammer is not our governor.

  3. Like most Americans, I have a deep respect and affection for Native Americans. I don't understand why the "Trail of Tears" ever had to happen, and that is only one thing I don't understand.

    What I question the most, is why many American Indians choose to live in/on Reservations, when they don't have to do so? I know Native Americans who have entered the main stream, and have done very well. And, this goes back for years. I think this should be explored!

  4. It must have something to do with $$$$ and their culture passed down for generations. Reservations are generally independent of state and local government power, and Indian trust land is not subject to state and local taxation. A lot of tribes are extremely wealthy with their casinos but the majority are in poverty. It is a mystery why they don't want to unlock all that wealth on their lands--oil and gas for one. They are considered sovereign nations and therefore there is a BIG lack of investment by those with the $$$$ who could help them out of poverty.

  5. Affection? What are they...pets? Equality, yes. Patronizing, no. I heard somewhere people should be judged by the content of their character.

  6. Sorry you don't like the word affection. It has many meanings. You'd be hard pressed to pick an American Indian out of a crowd, based on skin color. Is skin color important to you?
