Saturday, December 29, 2018

Trump Tweets


  1. Trump is in Washington trying to broker a deal to protect the American people. Pelosi is sunning her buns in Hawaii . The American people know what is going on. This is going to come back to bite Pelosi right in her sun burned ass.

  2. I agree, it is a sin. It is the dems fault and all elected senators and reps. They are not making the USA security a priority. It makes no sense why they allow all this illegal immigration and allow this lawlessness of allowing ANY illegal to be here. The dems tactics will backfire, more and more are seeing the light. It is a shame how they have destroyed this country of laws and order.

  3. trump stayed in DC because the stock market tanked and he couldnt face his Mar a lago members who have lost millions. Dems are willing to fund border security. They are not willing to fund a border wall that will not achieve the intended purpose- its an ego project not a solution.
