Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Trump Poll


  1. President Trump becomes first president since 2002 not to visit troops at Christmastime.


  2. Did 8:36 visit anyone besides CNN?

  3. "Too Busy To Visit The Troops" seems like a great election slogan.

    Jeez, I remember when you all went into hysterics after Obama "disrespected the troops" by saluting with a coffee cup in his hand. Now it's pretty obvious all he had to do was ignore them and say he was "too busy."

  4. I was hoping to see you comment on the abrupt announcement of withdrawal of troops from Syria.

    Mad Dog Mattis immediately resigned and not too long after, his own picked envoy to the region also resigned.

    Of course, Trump knows more than all the Generals as he told us all a ways back. But didn't this give you a reason to question the wisdom of this move?

  5. Barak Hussein Obama hates this country everything about him is phoney starting with his Kenyan "father" a Camelot like invention.

  6. To 9:47 who has nothing better to do than to criticize everything. As Lynn would say, get a life. Why should he spend millions of taxpayer money flying around the world to visit troops when he can do it directly the way he did. He is a president who is fiscally responsible. He's not doing things for photo ops.
    As far as Syria goes, these troops there are advisors only. What is your damn beef?

  7. I can't comment on everything in the world or just on what might turn you on, anonymous at 12:35 but I did comment on Facebook.

  8. How do you process the news that Trump and Melania actually did fly to Iraq to visit the troops. I for one think it was a coup for the President.

  9. That surprise visit was brilliant. Why should the first family advertise their every move?9

  10. Looks like 12:35 was jolted out of his nap somewhere between Rush and Hannity. What column are you responding to anyway? Try to stay on message!

  11. @8:12 Well, YOUR message is to slam Trump. So, now what do you have to say about the president visiting the troops? Let's hear our latest slam with NO dunk.

  12. 12:35 is on point, all the fuss from the media is because they don't have Barak and his fantasy narrative anymore and can't accept. The media uses any excuse to put him and his wife on screen. HE built a wall around his fabulous house.
