Saturday, December 29, 2018

Trump called Pelosi's bluff

Nancy Pelosi Dared Trump To Do The One Thing She Thought He Would Never Do

Did you ever see a more ridiculous meeting in the oval office in your life?

It threw Pelosi and Schumer off guard when cameras were there recording the "event." Chuckie could not even look at the president, someone for whom he constantly shows so much venum. And Pelosi was caught on camera being really out of touch saying that the president did not have the votes in the House. She was insistently rude to the Commander in Chief who is the most important person on the planet. Didn't their mommies and daddies teach them any manners?

Well, America got to see them in action. Their attitude will not bode well for Democrats.

Read about it...


  1. One of life's rules is that you get what you give. If you're a rude, name-calling, low life, you get called names and treated rudely. That's the way life works.

    Another rule of life is that the people who are the rudest and throw the most stones usually are the most thin-skinned when others respond in kind.

  2. Thanks for the wisdom I didn't know any of this.
