Monday, December 31, 2018

Syria Pull-out

President Trump’s abrupt troop pullout from Syria appears to involve a land swap between Syria and Turkey to give Kurds protection and autonomy

"Not only is our work there done, but I believe we were on the wrong side of the fight to begin with. Is it any mystery that Barack Hussein backed the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad by ISIS?

That’s right, we were on the side of ISIS in Syria. While Hussein’s shameful pretense and empty rhetoric regarding his fake war on ISIS was one large, transparent lie, his real war to overthrow Assad, a secular leader with a long reputation of protecting large populations of Jews and Christians (surely counter to the Obama agenda), was engineered to allow a radical, fundamentalist regime (ISIS) to fill the power vacuum." [Powdered Wig]

Further, Thomas Madison believes that Trump assured Erdogan that if Turkey didn't leave the Kurds alone, they would pay a dear price. He believes territory is being carved out for Kurdish autonomy. Probably not an independent Kurdistan, but at least autonomy in their historical homelands. All still secret, we will soon know, but the President does not do anything in the conventional way. AND, he always said he was getting out of Syria.


1 comment:

  1. I don't know, who Thomas Madison is, but I was never in favor of our being in Syria. I think all the hype about Assad was just another one of McCain and the CIA's cooked up schemes to involve us in another conflict in the Middle East.

    In fact, the American People made it clear at the time, that they did not support interfering in Syria. John Kerry is another one who was involved in this mess.

    Now, let's leave Russia alone in the Crimea and take care of our own problems, like rebuilding the Infrastructure and improving Health Care and Education.

    Absent these important domestic issues, what do we need this overgrown government for. It's really not a swanp, it's a cesspool!
