Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Scot Peterson had the right NOT to protect Parkland students

Judge: Broward Coward Had No Duty to Protect Students

A federal judge threw out a suit against Broward County ruling that there is no constitutional duty for the police to protect people.

Read about it...

You have to wonder about why a judge would think it normal for a cop to hide while shooting was going on.


  1. I have mixed feelings on this. Probably all he would have accomplished is that he would be dead too. The Police are not hired to martyr themselves. They work for a salary and pension, much like the rest of the population. Heroes are few and far between, and I think it's absurd to expect someone to die to save us, and then when they do shoot somebody,they are subject to endless scrutiny that could very well ruin their careers and their lives.

    If you want to live in a militarized state, and give shoot to kill orders, you should make your feelings known to the legislators.
