Monday, December 3, 2018

Rick Scott wins again

Court Blocks Lawsuit Wanting Scott to Disclose More about His Assets

There are so many disgruntled Democrats. They can't get over they lost the 2016 election and now can't get over that they lost the Governorship and Senate seat to Republicans in Florida. They tried hard enough to win especially in Broward.

This particular Democrat filed a lawsuit against Rick Scott--didn't like his financial disclosures it seems. But then, Democrats don't like anything Republicans do and continue to make waves every chance they can get.

Read about it...

And this is how it will be for the next few years.


  1. And y'all can't get over the fact that you voted for bigoted POS scam artist who conned you out of your vote with the help of a avowed enemy of the United States.

    So I guess we're even.

  2. @8:44 Tell us what the 'scam" is.
    It must be a heavy burden to bear--LIBERAL STUPIDITY

  3. 8:44 That is no way to talk about Hillary Clinton,even if you don't agree with her politics!

  4. "@8:44 Tell us what the 'scam" is."

    You really want to know? Or are you going to delete the truth like you do each day?

    Let me know which is it, K?

  5. You wouldn't know what the truth is if it hit you between the eyes. Get lost.
