Sunday, December 30, 2018

Religion still important to most people

Religion is important to 72% in U.S., including 51% "very important." But you probably would not find that poll in liberal Lake Worth to stand unless you were worshiping Islam or something. We actually have a proclamation for Islam. Don't even think about asking a feminist.

"When Gallup first asked Americans to rate the importance of religion in their lives in 1952, 75% said it was very important and 20% fairly important. Those percentages were roughly the same when the question was next asked, in 1965, but by 1978, they had dropped to 52% very important and 32% fairly important." That was under Democrat Jimmy Carter, the president who allowed home brewing of beer.

Since then, the percentage identifying religion as very important has fluctuated, rising above 61% in only two single readings: 64% in 2001 after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and 65% one year later. The historical low single reading of 49% was recorded in May 2015."

You notice the historical low was under Democrat Obama.

Read about it...


  1. Religion is very important to the American people IN SPITE of how it is constantly demeaned by the media and Hollywood. Satanic Pedophiles control most of what the average American is exposed to in the media . On many levels,organized religion has moved away from the people and not the other way around.The vast majority of America still believes in God and justice. Hollywood and Washington may have sold their souls, but the American people have not. Praise God.

  2. So many people are hypocrites about religion or going to church, or really devoting themselves to living like Jesus or their God wants them to.

  3. religion is very important in my household.we go to church and receive the sacraments as taught to us.we also try to live as GOD wants.its really hard when most of your neighbors are so self centered they don't know you are there.i talk to catholics,jews,baptist or any other religion as long as they treat their neighbors with respect.until we learn to acknowledge all no matter of belief its going to get darker
