Thursday, December 27, 2018

President Trump to attend the World Economic Forum

President Trump plans on going to Davos, Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum on January 22-25, 2019.

"Davos Man" is a neologism referring to the global elite of wealthy (predominantly) men, whose members view themselves as completely "international."  [Wikipedia]

"Globalization is a phenomenon driven by technology and the movement of ideas, people, and goods. Globalism is an ideology that prioritizes the neoliberal global order over national interests. Nobody can deny that we are living in a globalized world. But whether all of our policies should be “globalist” is highly debatable," says the World Economic Forum's web page.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the president was looking forward to attending the gathering of world leaders and business executives.
“The President welcomes opportunities to advance his America First agenda with world leaders,” Ms. Sanders said. “At this year’s World Economic Forum, the president looks forward to promoting his policies to strengthen American businesses, American industries and American workers.”

Whereas the World Economic forum is "committed to improving the State of the World," President Trump's presence should be an interesting encounter for all the elites who will be attending considering President Trump's attitude of Draining the Swamp and America First.

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