Friday, December 28, 2018

President Trump in Iraq

Air Force One touched down at the Al Asad Air Base west of Baghdad after an overnight flight from Washington with first lady Melania Trump, a small group of aides and Secret Service agents, and a pool of reporters. He stayed for a little more than three hours.

Lynn Epstein on Facebook

"So the media, lead by CNN is trying to get the troops busted for having MAGA hats signed by Trump and Melania when they went to visit the troops the day after Christmas. Apparently, to the media, this is a big military violation that should result in severe punishment for any member of the military who dared ask Trump and/or Melania to sign their MAGA hats.

Yet these same media hacks, including CNN didn’t utter a word, or have a problem when Obama and Michael (aka Michelle) signed pictures of themselves when the Obama’s visited overseas troops in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Read about the kiljoys...

1 comment:

  1. Although this was posted by someone on Facebook, I do not believe, at least according to the news media, that Michelle Obama ever visited a war zone.
