Thursday, December 20, 2018

Politicians screwing up this country

Stay true to your beliefs, President Trump. Figure out how to get your $5 billion to build the wall especially as phony Democrats want to give $10.6 billion to Mexico and Central America and Schumer already approved of $25 billion in January.

President Trump now has an agreement with Mexico that asylum seekers will now stay in Mexico. Read the new policy... Let's see how that works.


  1. Mattis is now gone and the Dow Jones lost another 450 points today. MAGA! It's all coming together now, Lynn!

  2. Are you blaming the stock market on Trump? LOL.

    Mattis has spent 2 years...he is a general who loves war. Thought you liberals didn't like war. Mixed up, aren't ya?

    We have been involved in wars that we never should have been involved in--Yemen as an example. Mattis wanted us there. We can't police the globe unless there is a direct threat to the U.S.

    Trump hasn't made a mistake yet. We'll see how it works out.

  3. Liberals forget that there are three branches of Govt. (In spite of what Ocasio-Cortez thinks). Although after eight years of Barry and his magic pen, I guess that they just got used to Presidential overreach and a blatant disregard for our Constitution and laws.

  4. K. But you're still sending 38 billion to Israel, so we will still get dragged into another one of their merchant wars. Either leave the Middle East completely, or stfu.


  5. Either or? No thanks.Did you complain when B.O illegally sent 150 BILLION in cash to middle East terrorists? With the Trump administration Great strides made in the middle east.To the Nazi above who hates Jews- Israel is one of Americas greatest allies.Unlike B.O-America now fights terrorists like the Palestinians and ISIS .

  6. Michelle Obama wears thousands of dollars of couture and it makes the "news"anything to put her front and center.Elitist.

  7. I Eat Republicans For BreakfastDecember 21, 2018 at 5:27 PM

    "Unlike B.O-America now fights terrorists like the Palestinians and ISIS."

    Trump is literally running away from terrorists as we speak, Einstein. Get ya head outta yo arse.

  8. The 2,000 troops in Syria are basically advisers. If ISIS rises again in Syria, troops will be sent in from Iraq where we have 6,000 right next door. No one is running away from terrorists but you Democrats sure don't mind them crossing our border. We need to take care of America first. Haven't you gotten that message down yet?
