Sunday, December 2, 2018

PBSO facilitates Spanish speaking immigrants NOT to learn English

PBSO launches Spanish-language social-media accounts

It continues to get spent on people who can't or will not speak English who live and work in our country. We are an English speaking country and in fact, it is our official language in Florida.

Read about it...

Rep. Steve King (R-IA4) and Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) have introduced H.R. 997 and S. 678, the English Language Unity Act, in the House and Senate. The legislation would declare English the official language of the United States and require that all people attempting to become citizens show English language proficiency. And this is the way it should be. The requirement for U.S. citizenship already demands it--you must be able to read, write and speak English.

Now if these people for whom PBSO is spending taxpayer resources who have no intent on becoming citizens, they are then illegal. They should be out of our country and if they want to become citizens, they need to come back legally and learn English. Ric Bradshaw says that we are not a sanctuary county.

Rep King said, "There is no more unifying force in the world than a common form of communications currency."

In order for immigrants to assimilate they must speak English and want to become a part of our culture that will set them on a path to success. Being bi-lingual is great but learn and speak English if you want to be a citizen of this country and take advantage of its fruits.


  1. Advertising in any language but English should be illegal.

  2. I bet they can read and write English when they go for food stamps.i know they can read it when it is found out in the store food stamps wont buy certain things

  3. The obsessively ignorant making noise again. As a retired LCSW in the state of Florida for over 25 years I can tell you the facts are that undocumented residents are not eligible to be approved for public assistance. Without the qualifying documentation the application is not even processed! It would be an anonymous post spewing ridiculous lies, so typical of cowards.

  4. @2:49--
    It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies. tHEY ALSO BUY FORGED DOCUMENTS.

  5. It's obvious to the public in line behind illegals that they're playing our system. Someone is helping them to do so and teaching them to cry amnesty, they're too simple to do all this alone.
