Sunday, December 2, 2018

Mueller "Reign of Terror" hits the fan on Monday

"Can this man 'end Mueller's reign of terror'?

Special counsel Robert Mueller has been a total flop at finding evidence of Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 election, but he has a knack for laying gotcha traps that give him grounds to prosecute those connected to Trump.

Truth be told, his investigation creates crimes rather than solves them.

But finally someone is fighting back.

He won't cop a phony plea. He won't cut a deal. He won't give in to threats if he refuses to play ball and commit perjury.

In fact, he's going on offense against Mueller and his henchmen with his own lawsuit." [WND]

Read all about it...


  1. Jerome Corsi doesn't believe than man landed on the moon and he says he's ready to die in prison for Trump.

    Smart guy. Your average Trumpster.

  2. You're thinking of Snoop Dog. LOL.
    The average Trumpster happens to believe in truth and the American way. Why don't you liberals believe as well? You just can't get over the fact you LOST.

  3. It's really not constructive to call names and not investigate the reasons why millions of people agree with Trump's policies.
