Sunday, December 9, 2018

Little Adam Schitt

Little Adam Schitt, Democratic of California, who is poised to become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in January, said "President Trump faces the real prospect of jail time after leaving the White House."


  1. Little Adamn Schitt is poised (with ammo) but does not drive a "Bug-Eyed Austin Healy Sprite - for obvious reasons. People would say he's reminding people of his magnificently CUTE RIDE, his sprite...Jes Keeding about the car.

  2. Mr. Schitt has probably been answering to THAT for years. It probably was McSchiff but he got more notariety with Schitt so he dropped the Mc? Sometimes Ellis Island officials spelled names since many were PRONOUNCED with an accent - then "officially mis-spelled" Schmit became Smith, etc

  3. We knew Prez would relent on shutdown. Partial is keyword. Pelosi And Schumer's pay went right on. We saw Jersey Sebator in Puerto Rico in his wrinkled stylish "skin shirt" with the young lady. Later Palosi tried to get a party enturage of 20-30 flying over to Brussels, Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan with usual free adult beverages. TRUMP stopped that. That really FROSTED Pelosi's turnips!

    Did DC crime escalate? Usually around 50-51 anyway with Vermont the lowest. Some indicted/jailed civil servants hopefully are not being paid while in jail. There are always a few incarcerated for minor offenses like not paying income taxes, fighting in bars, etc.
