Saturday, December 29, 2018

Liberal News continue to act like activists rather than reporters

“There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president. It is not uncommon for presidents to visit with troops, nor is it uncommon for the troops to shake hands with their commander-in-chief, take photos with him or have him sign things for them."


CNN and Jim Acosta as well as other fake news sites made a big deal out of the President signing MAGA caps going so far as to attack the troops for participating, saying they could not engage in "political activities."


  1. Traditionally support of our troops has been considered apolitical; rightly so as they fight for all US citizens. And they come from varied political backgrounds. They fight as one for the benefit of the country. This is considered above politics, country first. A matter of honor. The criticism centered on using the troops as backdrop for campaigning. Traditionally campaign rallies and support of the troops by a sitting president have remained separate out of respect for our troops.

  2. Well, the Air Force disagrees with you that it was "political."

