Monday, December 17, 2018

Lake Worth Commission isn't Helping City's Image

It just shows that we all can agree on some things when it comes to our city. Former City Commissioner Jo-Ann Golden wrote a letter to the Palm Beach Post on the December 3 meeting. I can agree with her on the name change--our history is important and we should keep its name, Lake Worth.

However, I don't believe all the people waiting in the hallway wanted to speak to the issue of a Community ID. They were told to come to city hall to make a visual statement of support. Open border people behind the scenes packed the chamber. Any item over 30 minutes by the rules needs to go to a workshop. The Mayor made a mistake in adjourning the meeting without a vote from the dais but I can well understand her frustration.

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
December 16, 2018

Lake Worth Commission isn't Helping City's Image

The December 4 Commission meeting of the City of Lake Worth did not make any progress improving the image of the city.

1. Over one hundred members of our community waited to be heard on a ’new business” item concerning support for an ID program. Folks waited for over four hours. The overflow was sequestered in the hallway and conference room.

2. Two contentious ballot items were passed on First Reading* with little public comment at close to midnight. Both were proposed by the Commission itself and not by any public initiative. These items were: the name change of Lake Worth to Lake Worth Beach, and the selling of a city-owned building in the downtown.

3. The Mayor, at 10:45pm, said “meeting adjourned” and left for the rest of the meeting.

The desire of the Commission to distinguish itself from the other Lake Worth zip codes is not by changing the name, rather it is by being uniquely Lake Worth, by respecting and renewing our promise to protect our legacy, our one-hundred-year history, our natural resources, and our human and ecological diversity. Authenticity is our brand.

Jo-Ann Golden, Lake Worth


  1. As I recall this renaming of the city came up before. Also to rename to "Lake Worth Beach". Not mentioned is the amount of money it would cost. Was this not brought up this time?

  2. Joann is right on keeping our name. Wes Blackman is wrong as is this commission.

  3. Name change or not, it still will not change the city and its direction now. We went to our church on Sat 4pm vigil at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, they had the confirmation class there, out of all the teens, there was not one white student, all black and Hispanics only, this says a lot about Lake Worth now, the English masses hardly anyone attends, the Haitian and Spanish masses are packed. The demographics in Lake Worth have changed a lot in the past 20-30 years, now mostly Latino. Before long, all the commissioners will only be Black or Hispanic too. We are changing folks, there has been a lot of white flight over the years, won't be long before Wes and Joann fly the coop too.

  4. According to this blog one doesn’t have to go to church services on Sunday to be a good Christian, you can stay home or play a round of golf. Unbelievable!

  5. @8:01--You do NOT have to attend church to be a believer in Jesus Christ. Just whose standard is that? Yours? Probably said by someone who is an atheist.

    As far as your slap down of our president playing golf, he deserves time off--he is the leader of the free world and works harder than anyone on this planet.
    So, take a hike.

  6. Readers: if you really want to have a laugh, put "golf Obama" in the search box of this blog in the upper left hand corner and see what Lynn had to say about "the leader of the free world" and golf back then.

    I'll let you figure out what the difference is between the two.

  7. as long as we keep printing every thing in Spanish and creo this will keep up.didnt we vote for English number one language and out of the state last year re enforcing that fact. lets stand behind what citizens want.go to their country learn that talk.come to my country learn my talk

  8. @8:45.. The big difference I would suppose is that Trump actually works for the people of this country and its safety. Also, he plays at his own golf clubs, costing less money that Barack. I haven't done a search but I am happy that I can still incite my number one "fan" to do the shout out.

  9. @8:45--did a search on "golf" If you really want to have a laugh, every article that came up was about the Lake Worth golf course. Democrats really lie a lot and waste a lot of people's time.

  10. Your English isn't too good either 9:56. Is that from English as a second language class, or did you jest grow up that way?

  11. 6.28 better be carful calling the kettle black
