Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Holiday Greetings

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Best Wishes!

From Lynn's Little Bit of Trivia.  My thanks to all of you who have supported us throughout the year and those who have not. :)😍


  1. Thanks for your blog. I live in N Florida now and check it to see what’s happening in LW and PBC. Keep up your good work.

  2. Yes, thanks for your blog Lynn, love it and look at it daily, very helpful. We moved out of the city too a few years ago, just south of the LW beach in a condo, while Lake Worth is still our city, we moved out when the elected gave themselves such huge raises and never did anything about all the crime and blight, we were victims enough when we lived their, robberies, thefts, vandalism, destruction, it was a crazy city and after 20+ years, it was enough. While we love the city, we don't miss all the problems, noise, blight, crime and craziness there. I am not sure LW will ever get a handle on all the problems there being a sanctuary city now and rent capital of PBC, not sure it will ever be like it was when you grew up there. Hoping for the best and always wishing you the very best in all you do. Thanks for caring and always trying to make a difference, your passion and love for Lake Worth is beautiful! God bless you all!
