Friday, December 14, 2018

History doesn't mean a thing to Lake Worth Commissioners

This city takes pride in its historic district…in its cute restored cottages. We have an historic Resource Department. We have 6 local historic districts and some structures recognized by the National Register. History has been important to us.

22 years ago, the City Commission adopted a Historic Preservation ordinance to protect the City’s historic built environment by instituting a design review process overseen by the volunteer Historic Resources Preservation Board where residents go to get approval for things such as roofs and windows that must comply. They actually are vehement about residents adhering to certain historic parameters.

106 years ago our city was incorporated and named Lake Worth. This is soon after our city was founded. The pioneers named our city. History is important. Why is this part of history being disregarded…tossed away? For some silly excuse such as crime occurring in the suburbs? Every 6 or 10 years or so, someone within the administration brings this city name change up. They easily forget that we are an historic city.

How did this get so far as to even get on the agenda and pass on a 1st Reading? I want to know who put it on the agenda to begin with so if it’s a commissioner, I will know who NOT to vote for in the future.

You have given NO costs…you are not being transparent at all and the irony here is that you want to add BEACH to our name (which is based on emotion and not common sense or any respect for our history) but you all want to screw up our beach and pool.

Our name means something—it is important. With all the hoopla we had at our Centennial, those on the dais now want to ignore our history. Commissioner Herman Robinson, running for re-election, said voting on this “is democracy.” What a cop-out. What it is Commissioner, are residents being railroaded to vote on a cutesy name for all the wrong reasons that was put on the agenda by you.

This dais is a big disappointment.


  1. VOTE NO this is bulls--t never make a town safer by changing its name.we are spending over $13m for that.funny how people move to a community and they no all.get the property values up and sell then they are gone.will meet with anyone to campain against this


  3. This should bring everyone out to vote commission is counting on a low turn out.

  4. Nothing important about history. Be sure to remove the names of the cities founders as well as all the names in the plaza. Nothing important. Then you can rewrite history as you want it to be.
