Sunday, December 30, 2018

Gays ran off Mike Huckabee from the CMA Board

Mike Huckabee resigns after one day on the job

"Jason Owen pitched a vinegar fit over Huckabee’s selection to the Foundation." You see, Mike Huckabee believes in traditional marriage. Owen and his husband obviously do not.

"Owen and his husband – both LGBT activists – have resurrected Monument Records as a part of Sandbox Entertainment in collaboration with Sony Music Entertainment" and refused to give the CMA any financial support because of Huckabee.

Read about it...

This is rather ironic when you think about country music fans--they are primarily religious and their heart remains with tradition and values.


  1. Story is 9 months don't have time to cover everything, you say when you don't post current news that makes like Trump look like the POS that he is, but, yet, you feature an item almost a year old.

    Is anything you say the truth, Lynn? Or is every single word out of your mouth a lie?

  2. So what that it happened in March? It's interesting that you fools did this. 😄

  3. Here's some newer news for 7:47 The Queen of England was slammed because she gave her Christmas greeting in an elegant room. The Queen of our media, Michelle Obama was praised for wearing 4,000 dollar boots. Who is the real hypocrite elitist?
