Sunday, December 23, 2018

David Hogg says he's been accepted at Harvard

Hogg’s GPA is 4.2. His SAT score is 1270, which puts him in the 88th percentile. Those are both solid credentials for admission to most state schools.

BUT, he's been accepted at Harvard, the oldest and most prestigious university in the United States that has become one of the most liberal universities in the country.

The acceptance rate at Harvard is 5.2% . For every 100 applicants, only 5.2 are admitted. The average GPA is 4.1. The average SAT score is 1520. The average ACT score is 34.

In most cases, Hogg would have a tiny chance of getting accepted at Harvard as his SAT score was well below average. In a simplistic estimate of acceptance based on Hogg's SAT and GPA, he would, under normal circumstances, have a 0.5% chance of admittance. []

Read about the wiseguy...


  1. I'm happy to see this young man on his way to higher education after surviving a truly horrific experience that none of us would wish on another human being. Too many times we criticize the younger generation for being lazy or unmotivated and not take the time to recognize those who are motivated and bound for bigger and better things. Bravo, Mr. Hogg. Here's wishing great success in your life.

  2. All the above is true except the part where Hogg saw a tragedy as something to play to his advantage.

  3. Exactly! How about Andrew Pollack and Kyle Kashuv? All opportunists!

  4. Good luck, David. The haters will disappear one by one with each passing day. You have your whole, wonderful life ahead of you. Between me and you, that's what I think makes them jealous. :)

  5. Now you all are going after Andrew Pollack? What a bunch of dunces. Pollack's daughter WAS killed at Parkland. Hogg, the punk, took advantage of a horrible tragedy to go after the 2nd Amendment. He was in a different building than the tragedy but he milked it all the way. Used by Democrats. He will come out of Harvard as a flaming liberal and one scary one at that. Or maybe he will actually grow up. Not putting my money on the latter one.

  6. 9:05 your post is a veiled threat, no one is "jealous" of that small opportunist. It seems the real villain has been swept aside.

  7. There is no relation between the aptly named publicity Hogg and Mr. Pollack. Harvard is not what it used to be.
