Saturday, December 1, 2018

"Ballot Harvesting" - Illegal in 49 states but not in California

We all know how totally F-d up the State of California is, politically speaking.  But it  really takes the cake with this law passed by Governor Brown, one of the most left governors in the country.  He's right up their with Cuomo of New York.  When you open up your voting process to probable fraud, no Republican has a chance in California to win his/her election.

"Few people noticed when Gov. Jerry Brown signed the changes in AB1921 into law two years ago. In the past, California allowed only relatives or people living in the same household to drop off mail ballots for another voter. The new law allowed anyone, even a paid political campaign worker, to collect and return ballots — “harvesting” them, in political slang.

In Orange County alone, where every House seat went Democratic, “the number of Election Day vote-by-mail dropoffs was unprecedented — over 250,000,” Fred Whitaker, chairman of the county Republican Party, said in a note to supporters. “This is a direct result of ballot harvesting allowed under California law for the first time. That directly caused the switch from being ahead on election night to losing two weeks later.”

Read about the fraud by Democrats...

And here in Lake Worth, Commissioner Herman Robinson worries about gerrymandering.

1 comment:

  1. is this the reason our commissioners are going to cal. as someone wrote last week
