Friday, December 28, 2018

Andrew Cuomo and New York

I have a few cousins who live in up-state New York. Poor souls...not quite as bad as living in California when you are a conservative but right up there close to hell.

Cuomo won by 59% of the vote. One of his platforms is legalizing recreational marijuana that will lead to more drug addicts.

1 comment:

  1. It is too bad, his father was actually a good governor. The drug problem there is real, so many addicts and so many recreational pot smokers, it is crazy in NY, but it is crazy here too and all over. No one wants law or order now. Everyone needs to have drugs or a vice just to live today, so many excuses, no one assumes responsibility today and they all want to escape reality. Drugs, cigarettes and booze all big business. You have to wonder if the government is not behind all these drugs coming into the USA to begin with. So sad. Pray for all of them. It is not going to get any easier.
