Friday, December 28, 2018

Air Force: Nothing improper in Trump autographing caps

Air Force: Nothing improper about airmen displaying pro-Trump merchandise at Ramstein

The liberal weenies, always looking for something to bitch about, along with the fake news media, were all caught with egg on their faces as they gleefully reported that President Trump was the first president not to visit the troops over Christmas.

As everyone knows, President Trump arrived in Iraq in the middle of the night to give his appreciation to our troops, plans that were in the works for weeks. Melania was the first FLOTUS ever to visit a war zone, something else not reported by the Fake News. The President then traveled to Germany to visit our troops.

Instead of apologizing for their false reporting, CNN and others, as if on cue, lit an  expected spectacle of disparaging the troops who wanted autographs from the President saying it was illegal for them to engage in politics.

Read about it... at Stars and Stripes and what the Air Force said.

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