Thursday, November 29, 2018

Will Illegals be getting ID's in Palm Beach County?

PEACE calls for community IDs, slams commissioners who skipped meeting

Held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center where the Grand Ballrooms A&B jointly hold 6,808 people in a theater-style setting, or up to 3,371 when separated, PEACE was disappointed with the attendance of around 2,000.  The only Palm Beach County Commissioner who attended was the mayor, Mack Bernard.

They are pushing ID's for illegal aliens and helping the homeless. "A county proposal to set aside $75,000 for a community ID program has been approved by the county’s Criminal Justice Commission, an advisory group of community and government officials. Commissioner Dave Kerner, who sits on the Criminal Justice Commission, helped secure that $75,000, a point PEACE official noted Monday."

Read about it...
If approved by the county, we will become a sanctuary before too long. You think we have trouble at the border now? Perhaps we can, on a smaller scale, be another San Francisco for the homeless and another sanctuary city like Los Angeles for the illegal border crossers, tents and all.


  1. this id crap was tried for a few years ago till they found out the fraud involved in it.we just don't learn.if you are illegal get out till legal like a whole lot of others have done

  2. Can’t wait to get out of Palm Beach county. I fell for the up and coming arts thing in Lake Worth. What crap!

  3. When a town has little else it becomes "artsy"
