Monday, November 26, 2018

Two Lake Worth Schools over-crowded

400 students could be shuffled to fix crowding in Lake Worth

The top goal is to relieve Highland Elementary, among the county’s five most crowded elementary campuses. Just east of Interstate 95 and south of 10th Avenue North, the school enrolls 1,224 students on a campus built for 1,072.

The City of Lake Worth continues to build, even wanting to change its LDR's to accommodate more affordable housing and these kids will need schools. The majority of them do not even speak English.

Commissioner District 2 Omari Hardy said, "that he is eager for Highland to get needed relief at a time when the city expects more families to move to the area, attracted by plans for more affordable housing."

Perhaps we need a reverse "Field of Dreams." Stop the building and the density.

Read about it...

We should not be encouraging illegals to move to Lake Worth. Our local government is and has encouraged the migration over the past decade and caused the problem, even making a Resolution that we are a Welcoming City.


  1. ICE command centers need to be set up in front of every school in Lake Worth on the first day of class. No more overcrowded Lake Worth schools.

  2. I do not think the LW elected really care or ever thought about over crowding in schools, or traffic or anything else, they just see dollar signs, more tax income for the city, etc. LW schools are 90% ESOL and very low performing as is, how wonderful. Do any of the current elected have university degrees? What level of education do these people have? It is obvious that there is little thought from them when they approve all this low income house and more and more housing. The state leaders do the same thing, not thinking about water for all, or how delicate our eco system is here in FL. Do you really expect these people to think? One would hope, but we have seem them in action for years, look at this blight, crime, and dump here!
