Thursday, November 22, 2018

"The Conners" has tanked

ABC President out of a Job as ‘The Conners’ Tanks Without Roseanne

Channing Dungey, who was the first African-American woman to head the entertainment division of a major broadcast network, is now the former president of ABC Entertainment following the announcement of her resignation last week.

It was Dungey who decided to cancel “Roseanne” following the star’s controversial tweet in May about former Obama administration staffer Valerie Jarrett, who is also African American, that was labeled as racist. The tweet: “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”

Sometimes we just get in our own way.



  1. Dungey= Trump hating,no talent racist. The cast are a bunch of disloyal pigs that stabbed Roseanne in the back. They deserve nothing but failure. I would LOVE to see the show close with Rosanne coming out of the bathroom and Dan Connors in bed making the statement"Hey Babe,I just had the worst dream about you".

  2. Well, Roseanne made that show, I never thought it would make without her. it was a bad move. They should have waited and not reacted the way they did, it was wrong. It was actually good last year when it came back with her on it. Now it stinks, many of us won't watch it anymore without Roseanne, the rest of the cast did a bad thing by going on without her, they brought this on themselves as well as the network. Sometimes it is all about attitude, we should never have reacted so crazy about that when it happened. She didn't mean to be mean spirited, she is a comic. I feel bad for Roseanne. I was hoping that Fox would pick them up with her still on the show.

  3. Roaseanne's big mistake was that she never held up a model of a bloody severed head of President Trump,called his daughter Ivanka a cunt ,had fantasies about blowing up the White House or dressed as a majorette while twirling batons and celebrating the murder of unborn babies.
