Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Best on SNL

You have to watch this; it's great!


  1. Pete Davidson was wrong when he insulted vet Dan Crenshaw. He apologized.

    He's a bigger man than Trump will ever be in that regard.

  2. What exactly does the president have to apologize for? He's right in his assessments.
    Pete Davidson, on the other hand, was a first rate prick. he got blasted by Democrats and Republicans alike. He apologized and that was the right thing to do to a war hero.

  3. 1:16 get that TDS treated. Now.

  4. "What exactly does the president have to apologize for?"

    - Calling Viet Nam vet and war hero Sen. John McCain a loser.

    - Publicly insulting a Gold Star family.

    - Not visiting troops even one time.

    - Not participating in a ceremony honoring American soldiers who died in WWI because it was raining.

    "He's right in his assessments."

    Oh, so it's okay when Trump does it but it's not when comedian does it?


  5. Lynn, Lynn, your language. Please!

  6. @8:26...
    President Trump stood in the rain yesterday to honor our fallen soldiers. so, once again, you lie.
    The rest of your charges have been answered before.
    Why are Democrats so damn dumb? Answer that one.
    Trump is right is everything he says and does. The only thing I have disagreed with him of late is saying he wants immigrants to come to our country as long as it is the "right" way. I think we need a moratorium on ALL immigrants no matter where they are from.
    The rest of the stuff you tried to post--forget it. You think it's ok for 7,000 to 14,000 illegals crossing our borders? they will be stopped. We believe in our country, not open borders or one world order.

  7. One of the best things that I've seen on SNL.Very good message.
