Friday, November 23, 2018

Quote of the Day - Mack Bernard

“I would like to let the president know the new mayor of Palm Beach County is not from a sh!thole country. He’s from the beautiful island of Haiti.”

~ Mack Bernard
Mayor of Palm Beach County

Now that you have brought our president into it Mr. Bernard, you will be fair game from now on.

Consider the following situation that Haiti is in according to Google:
  • Haiti is the third hungriest country in the world after Somalia and Afghanistan
  • The richest 1% of the population controls nearly half of all of Haiti’s wealth
  • The poorest country in the western hemisphere
  • One of the poorest countries in the world
  • Ranks 149 out of 182 on the United Nations Human Development Index
  • Has a healthy life expectancy of 55 years for women and 53 years for men
  • Adult literacy is about 62%
  • 78% of Haitians live on less than $2 US per day.
Read about the sh!thole


  1. Hey Mack Shithole Bernard- Why did you end up in America? Why do all of your countrymen risk death to float into MacArthur Beach and then hot foot it across A1A and disappear into the safe houses that Shithole people from your Shithole Country have set up here in America? You're just another corrupt piece of crap selling out your own people.

  2. Hillary Clinton and Bill got in between the bailout cash going to Haiti and enriched themselves and their friends instead of the island.
    Talk to her Mack and ask for the money back.

  3. Oh Great more Haitians in Palm Beach County! Now Lake Worth is going to be as bad as World Thrift with all those loud, greedy, inconsiderate Haitian ladies yelling and shouting, not moving out of the way, and acting like they have at best a 3rd grade education living here, acting so poorly. Is this how they all are in Haiti too? Haitians here do not put forth a very good image of themselves for the Americans who were born here. The way they behave reflects greatly on them as a whole, not looking good for PBC! Maybe Mack can turn PBC into a sanctuary city for his Haitian people too. Say nothing, just observe how they all behave here, they bring it upon themselves by the way they behave here. It is not good!

  4. Why are there so many Haitian Catholic priests coming here now in the PB Diocese? Because they all want to leave their poor conditions and live in a lap of luxury and be able to drive $42K cars and have maids and servants and make $50K a year.

    It is funny that a friend of mine told me his friend saw one of the Haitian priests hanging out in the bushes of Bryant park recently cruising for a gay hookup. Go figure!

  5. Personally, I'm glad to see that the Mayor is proud of his country. I'm not sure why that is such a bad thing but in this day of angry politics I suppose that no one is allowed to disagree with the president on anything.

    Kudos, Mayor!

  6. A person in my condo told me that Mayor Triolo and Herman Robinson were seen together at a local restaurant getting very friendly, if you know what I mean. Seems like local politicians are getting out of hand.

  7. 8:38pm if only the "mayor's" praise for his country weren't so delusional and hypocrital it would deserve praise. Whole sections of our county have gone off the rails due to these uncivil people.

  8. What purpose does this post of Mayor of PBC serve? We don't need it. Time to eliminate.

  9. That's right 8:38pm don't disagree with our president we have ALL media outlets doing that even though it's bad for our citizens. Educate yourself by taking a slow walk on the south side. You'll lose your idealism.

  10. to anonymous who tried to post a rumor at 10:11--there is no evidence that the rumor is true.

  11. The mayor is proud of his country, that's why he doesn't live there working to improve it.

  12. Really 10:55; Really!

    Lynn, you're letting this blog turn into a gossip column.

    Beam me up Scotty!

  13. @10:55. What, I am sure this anonymous poster was insinuating, was that they were meeting OUT OF THE SUNSHINE. This IS news. I have seen them all meeting from time to time in restaurants. It is the perception of collusion whether they are just there having lunch and talking about the weather.

    This explanation is for the person who tried to post here condemning me to hell.

  14. Don't worry about 10:55. Democrats don't want anyone to have a different opinion or free speech. Oh wait, it's guaranteed in our Constitution. Sorry Lib.

  15. @7:33--It is not 10:55 that I am worried about. It is the angry liberals who want to quash free speech as well as some who attempt to post here who are threatening and arrogant about what they believe as if it is all gospel.

  16. Somewhere above anony implied that no one can have an opinion about anything unless backed by what, a legal document. Stop trying to take away free speech.

  17. Well, couldn't they have found a more secret place to collude than a public restaurant? This is also an issue with condo boards, but when it comes down to it, there is nothing that can be done about it. People meet, they talk, it's very difficult to circumscribe a meeting between two or three people who know each other, possibly for years, and turn it into a clandestine assignation.
