Saturday, November 24, 2018

Palm Beach Post Sucks

The Palm Beach Post welcomes the president in its typical anti-Trump fashion

We can always count on The Palm Beach Post to engage in anti-Trump negative reporting. Today's Palm Beach Post had a double whammy--The Post put out its welcome mat to the President and Mrs. Trump.

Not only did it personally attack President Trump on his stand on global warming in an article re-printed from The New York Times (a nemesis of Trump's) but in the article placed on the front page below it, attacked Melania Trump as one of the lowest scored first ladies of all time based on a poll from Lynn University in Boca Raton.

You’ve probably heard over and over that 99% of scientists believe in global warming-- well the opposite is true. That talking point came from a study where only 75 scientists said they believe in global warming on the other hand over 31,000 scientists have signed a petition saying they don’t believe in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming. [globalclimatescam]

As far as Melania Trump goes, The Post had the gall to insult the President and First Lady based on one poll. One! The article cites the poll conducted by Robert Watson, a professor of American History at Lynn in Boca, situated in a city that is a Democrat stronghold in south Florida. It quotes his opinion that "Melania has done the very minimum necessary" (to be a good First Lady.) It's one lousy poll and only his opinion. The Post, however, made this a top story of the day and placed it in the middle of its front page.

How are your subscriptions going?


  1. It is a privilege to host ANY president of the United States! Shame on you,Palm Beach Post!!

  2. Typical left wing propaganda. Here's another thing: the Earth is flat. Scientists are a bunch of liberals.

  3. A great reminder of why I cancelled my subscription to this inaccurate rag.

    What has this jerk done for our world?

  4. I am always happy to have our first family here for some well deserved rest. The Post is a petulant bully for disrespecting our beautiful first lady.

  5. Laurence--I presume you are speaking about the liberal professor in Boca.

  6. Yes, Lynn. Another overpaid blowhard made famous by fake news.

  7. The Post is bad to the bone, so bad. They pit sleazy politicians against good standing citizens who care about crime and safety against one another and make the good guy out as the bad guy and the sleazy politician look good all to just sensationalize news to try to sell their product, they are darn right dirty, sleazy, and will stoop to anything to use their media as propaganda to sink to all time lows. How can anyone today respect the PB Post?

  8. I stopped reading the Post long, long ago but I hate how they just can't quit criticizing our president. It makes me sick when I see it, which is never...but still it's not right!
