Sunday, November 25, 2018

Our Wall at the Border

The Left, for weeks, accused President Trump of manufacturing a crisis of immigrants walking up from Central America to invade our country as some kind of a stunt for the mid-term elections. Some of these Democrats even came on this blog spewing their chit.  This should now shut them up--the invaders as well as the Democrats.


  1. Your Average TrumpsterNovember 25, 2018 at 11:21 AM

    Thanks to God! I feel a lot safer!

    Can I go shop at Publix now?

  2. That fence is like 200 feet long. The border is hundreds of miles.

    Is this a joke?

  3. I thought you knew @2:57--Trump haters only believe in their own BS--certainly not don't even believe in Christianity. Wasn't it you all that said the caravan was just a Trump election ploy--fake news. You should feel a lot safer because Trump is our president.

  4. Anderson, did you go to church today?

  5. @5:08--you are a rude A-H.
    FYI--my church is being renovated...not opened yet.
    Why would someone who is anti-God, anti-Christian and a pussy hat wearing left-wing hater, worry about whether I go to church. Perhaps you should try it but lightening would probably strike. :)
    The border wall and our national security has nothing to do with me or anyone else going to church.

  6. 5:08 went to the church of Clinton and got on her knees

  7. I’d rather be with Clinton vs skank whore Stormy, WTF was Donnie thinking?

  8. Really? Those are the only choices? Bill and/or Hillary.
