Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Last night's ROLO meeting

This is a posting by Robert Waples of the ROLO team that I found very interesting. I continue to mention the amount of crime in our city that is understated or not even mentioned by our elected officials. So this is pertinent to that.

Robert Waples
ROLO Meeting

A huge Thank You to Katie McGiveron for another Successful ROLO Meeting.

Our Crime Report Volunteer Carol Had good news and some very staggering news. Did you know that Palm Beach County is Number 3 in the State for Human Trafficking? Where crime is generally down in our neighborhood there are a few things to be concerned about. Carol please feel free to add to this post.

We found out tonight that our meeting place, the Lake Osborne Presbyterian Church has been broken into several times, Vandalized and other infractions. This is completely unacceptable and can not continue. We Plead to the community to be diligent and if you see activity at the Church after house to call PBSO! Non-emergency is 561-688-6400 or crime in progress 911. I could not attend as I had my own community meeting.

Thank you to all the members from the City that went over the road program for our neighborhood and we will be posting some pictures and drawings in the next few days. We are looking forward to the future of ROLO in the greater Scheme of the City of Lake Worth.

Big thanks to the attendance tonight as we really appreciate your input that directs your board members in what directions we take to help our neighborhood.

Another big topic was Homelessness, The issues we have in John Prince Park, the Lack of Resources available and the lack of response from the County regarding this issue. We will set up a meeting with County Commissioner Kerner and hopefully get him and PBSO to do a drive through with us and the proximity to our neighborhood.

There Must be resources that are offered to curb this issue that is so prominent in South Florida. A testimonial tonight reveled that a man in his 50's is now homeless due to circumstances beyond his control. Yet because he is not a drug user there are no resources available. A Goal for ROLO will be to start compiling a list of resources and urging officials and private enterprises to start addressing these issues.

Thank you to every one that Donated to our Raffle Table as that is our only income source to keep our financials up. Remember we have only 6 meetings a year and the next meeting will be on January 8th 2019 so please let your neighbors know and it is also our Elections. If you want to serve on the ROLO Board please send in your interest to, Nextdoor, or our Rolo Facebook Page.

Together we make a difference and the only way that can happen is to take time to know your neighbor. Talk and encourage participation in make our Neighborhood a better place for all. Sincerely, Your ROLO Team!

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