Friday, November 23, 2018

Genital Mutilation charges dismissed by Judge

Genital mutilation ban ruled unconstitutional; judge drops charges against sect

Can anyone really understand this?

"A federal judge Tuesday dismissed female genital mutilation charges against several doctors in the first criminal case of its kind nationwide, ruling the law is unconstitutional.

The opinion by U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman comes two weeks after defense lawyers mounted the first challenge to a 22-year-old genital mutilation law that went unused until April 2017. Unfortunately, 23 states haven’t yet outlawed the practice, which means that Muslims in the U.S. can lawfully have this mutilation performed simply by traveling a bit."

Judge Friedman did leave intact conspiracy and obstruction charges that could send Nagarwala and the other defendants to federal prison for decades.

Read about it... at the Detroit News.


  1. This is an outrageous attack against women, where are the feminists? A slippery slope leading to Sharia law. A missed opportunity to deport these criminals.

  2. Disgusting, but so is abortions and we allow that too, it is all inhumane!

  3. Well, abortion and allowing it in a society says a lot about the people here. Just like it does for the Muslims allow this mutilation of women. It all says a lot about humanity and all of us as a society when we allow such things. Abortion is murder, it is as simple as that.
