Monday, November 12, 2018

Fraudulent Ballots and the Legitimacy of the Election Process

Gillum and Nelson Actively Fighting for Allowing Non-Citizen Votes To Count

This is what it's all about for Democrats and why they are open border people.

“The vote was disallowed despite the objections of the lawyers because two of the three members of the canvassing board ruled that it was an impermissible vote.” [Western Journal] Can you even imagine that even one person on the Canvassing Board would even consider an illegal voting?

People voted twice and many were not registered at all. Some filled in votes for several people for the same office. Now officials are trying to determine "intent." How do you determine the "intent" of the voter? I would think that would be subjective and "intent" should not be considered. If you can't fill in a ballot correctly, perhaps you have no business voting at all.

93,000 ballots were "found" after the election closed in Broward County and trucks, unattended by any security, arrived in dead of night loading and unloading boxes. Rep. Matt Gaetz filmed it.

Our Democratic State Attorney said: "I seen no evidence of voter fraud in the Nov. 6 elections, despite claims and conspiracies on the Internet. There are a lot of allegations that could undermine the faith of the electorate. But our office has not received any credible complaints of election fraud nor has the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. There hasn’t been any evidence other than conspiracy videos that do not hold water. I fear that it will undermine the faith in our elections.

No kidding, Mr. Aronberg.The integrity of our elections in Broward and Palm Beach counties have been forever tainted.


  1. Yeah, Mr. Aronberg made "fake" news.

  2. There are some Democrats (one in particular) who loves to defend Democrats all of the time no matter what actually believing they are an honest lot. They aren't.

  3. The Broward County temporary employee's affidavit of ballots being filled out in locked room indicates fraud in that county's election.

  4. Now Lynn, you know full well that both campaigns disavowed what their attorneys did.

    The real question is whether they said "Try it. If it doesn't work, we'll just say you had no authority."

    Really, really shocked that a guy with the recognition of Scarola would even try to pull that sort of nonsense.
