Saturday, November 24, 2018

Election Fraud and Democrats

Democrats Committing Vote Fraud Is Now a Literal Cliché

"It keeps happening. There were close elections in Florida, Georgia, New Mexico and Arizona, so the legendary Ballot Fairy began magically delivering boxes of ballots to help the losing Democrat candidates pull victory from the jaws of defeat."

You remember trucks coming in the middle of the night after the election to deliver tons of boxes to Brenda Snipes, the Democrat Supervisor of Elections in Broward, the most corrupt county around. Thank God she has resigned effective in January 2019.

Read about it... (an important article) and the dangerous situation that looms ahead in our democracy. Democrats like to claim it was only "glitches" rather than calling it for what it is, downright fraud.

1 comment:

  1. Although Rick Scott and DeSantis still won, imagine how much Democrats would have lost by if those millions of votes hadn't been brought in by trucks! Everyone knows that there are less Dems than Republicans in South Florida and this last election showed it.

    Look for Dems to try to sneak in hundreds of millions of illegals into voting booths in 2020. This was just a test run!
