Saturday, November 3, 2018

Economy Soaring - What do Democrats want?

Wages surge as US adds a robust 250,000 jobs in October

[Associated Press]
•    "added a stellar 250,000 jobs last month"
•    "raised average pay by the most in nearly a decade"
•    "increased the proportion of Americans with jobs to its highest level since January 2009"
•    "Consumers are the most confident they have been in 18 years"

"This is all great news, and it just goes to show what happens when we start getting the government out of the way: lowering taxes, cutting red tape and incentivizing small business growth. That's why we just voted last month to permanently lock in the individual tax cuts like doubling the standard deduction and child tax credit.

There is a lot more work to do - like getting out of control federal spending back under control - but the bills we've passed have put us on a great track!" [Brian Mast]

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