Thursday, November 1, 2018

Difference in the Reporting

This election is between "greatness" and "gridlock"

Donald Trump Works His Magic for Scott and DeSantis on Florida's Southwest Coast

Sunshine State News
“He’s the greatest thing that’s happened for America in a long time,” Fahnestock (a gentleman at the rally), who sells real estate, said of the president.

“Under Republican leadership, America is booming, and America is thriving, and America is winning because we are finally putting America first,” Trump said.

GOP Power Play

The Palm Beach Post
The Post's George Bennett brought out everything that the president said that slammed the Democrat opponents and the fake news media. This was done in order to charge up the Democrat base and get them angry even going so far as to mention previous statements by both Scott and DeSantis that were in disagreement with the President.

"Trump called Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for governor, “a radical socialist who wants to turn Florida, frankly, into Venezuela.” He called Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, whom Scott is challenging, a “far-left Democrat” who votes with liberal Senate democratic leader Chuck Schumer and “the radical agenda of Nancy Pelosi.”


  1. Under Gillum and Nelson Florida will be a welfare state. Under Desantis and Scott Florida will continue to be a prosperous state. Vote for whichever state you want to live in.

  2. Sooooo.....

    SSN finds a Trump rally attendee and publishes a (unsurprisingly) positive quote from him and ignores the lunacy of the Right.

    The PBP quotes some of the lunacy of the Right and ignores that Trump rally attendee who everyone knows loves Trump.

    I'm not sure what your point is.

  3. Sooooo....
    You know exactly what my point is.
    Take that long walk off that short pier.

  4. 10:03 read the post from 9:32 and TRY to comprehend it. Put aside your hatred and obsession with this blog and think about the greater good of our state.
