Sunday, November 18, 2018

Democrats "Trial Run" for 2020 election

If we have found out anything from this election of November 6, we have found out that Democrats will do anything it takes to steal an election.  And we even have had a judge, appointed by Obama, circumvent Florida law.

The Daily Caller reports:

    Chairman of the American Conservative Union Matt Schlapp said the ongoing Florida recount is just a “trial run” for Democrats to help prepare for a close race against President Donald Trump in 2020.

    “We’re going to spend a lot of time in court, we’re going to spend millions of dollars. We’re going to waste a lot of time. I believe at the end of this, Gov. Rick Scott will be a senator. Ron DeSantis will be the governor,” Schlapp said on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday. “But what the Democrats are trying to do here, this is a trial run to figure out what they do in 2020 when Donald Trump is on the ballot.”

    “You watch. They are learning lessons so that they can do everything possible to stop him in 2020.”

    Schlapp also said he’s concerned about the legitimacy of the recount process and claimed the counters involved have used unorthodox methods to get the job done.

Look for things to become a whole lot nastier and Democrats become a lot more devious over the next two years now that they have control of the House.

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