Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Commissioner Hardy wants to change the name of our city

Just how long have you lived in the city of  Lake Worth, Omari?

Watch the video... where Commissioner Hardy gives his reason to change the name of our city, a city called Lake Worth for 105 years.

No one is happy. They want to build to the sky. They make deals with developers and change zoning. Once the first General Obligation Bond for roads failed at the ballot box, the city figured out where it went wrong and re-wrote the ballot language and presented it again. They were determined to get the $$$$40 million.

Now, the administration is for changing the name of our city. If that happens, all crime will be reported as Lake Worth Beach. Watch the attendance at our beach go down, down, down. Oh the irony of it all and the stupidity.


  1. "our city"

    The real Lake Worth stops at I-95. Anyone who lives west of 95 is a resident only in name. So stop laying claim to something that you have no real ties to except to pass through or visit.

  2. @10:33. Well, that is incorrect anonymous. The entire ROLO neighborhood is west of I-95. I live west of I-95 on Lake Osborne Drive. We are all in the city limits. Commissioner Maxwell lives west of I-95.

  3. The City of Lake Worth is east of 95 and encompasses areas west of 95. The only people who can call it "our city" are the ones that live in it, not outside it. I wish those who live west of 95 would stop trying to affect the way we live here in the city. We love our little town. Stay out west in your boring condos and leave us alone!

  4. Obviously 8:47 not only wants to be, but is, a first-class A=Hole.

  5. Lynn, why the name calling? It's ugly and unnecessary. Present your opinions, give us reasons and let's talk about it. Simple stuff.

  6. Katie Mcgiveron here.What bothers me most about this name change idea is that the powers that be in our city have once again put frosting on a pile of crap, called it cake,and invited us all to enjoy a slice.Once again ,instead of fixing the problem of why every crime in the County is put under the headline "stabbing/shooting/rape/slappin Yo Mama in LAKE WORTH",this name change nonsense is supposed to make everything good again. Postal codes be damned! Lazy Jackass "reporters" be damned. How much is this going to cost our schools ,churches,businesses and all of us individuals ? Lake Worth businesses are more afraid to speak up than a Virgin in a Whorehouse.So they once again don't matter. But what about the rest of us? After all is said and done,pretty soon all of the crime in Palm Beach county will be happening in the city of Lake Worth Beach.Sad. No,actually just shortsighted and stupid.Par for the course in this little place ,no matter what we call it.

  7. @9:10--READ MY BLOG. I already gave my opinion but oh no, you have to once again "put down" where I live. And calling you an A=H is accurate. That's as simple" as I can get.

  8. What is West Palm Beach going to do cuz the have county areas of high crime also the get blamed for. Call it West Palm Beach the 1st? Haha. LW isn't the only city with this issue but they can sure think of stupid shit to spend money

  9. Lynn, I didn't "put down" where you live. I just asked you to present your opinions and give us reasons to discuss them. That was the only comment I left. And then you call me a A=H, whatever that is.

    Goodbye. I don't need this kind of weird anger directed at me.

  10. these commissioners stoped selling beer early at the little stores"to stop crime".wont let homeless sleep around city hall 'to stop crimr'cancel city meetings at their whim 'so we don't know whats going on.brought in the sherrif to control us if you can find them anyplace besides on lake and Lucerne.changing the name is not going to make it any safer.they must be smoking some good stuff that really makes you dream

  11. @5:12--sorry--I assumed you were the same person who came on here at 8:47--the same person who personally attacks me all of the time who is too cowardly to use her real name. You have to realize that I get beat up on a daily basis and I have little tolerance. It's not "weird" anger--it's real. I have mentioned before why I am against the name change.
    If anyone wants to debate the subject, great.

  12. Bring back the Jennings Meyer Hartman Golden and the rest of the circle of light jack offs Lynnthe loose cannon! Hahahaha! Sad!

  13. @9:27...past your bedtime again anonymous.
    The circle of Light was a good thing. It brought attention to the plight of our casino. If it had been razzed to the ground as some in that administration wanted, the casino would not be there but probably built in the parking lot lower level and would have cost us double. Commissioner Mulvehill, a great gal, organized this event and it was a big success.
    Meyer and Hartman were not around then and were not part of this.
    AND, we know who is sad...not only you, but some of the present leaders of our city who want to start the BS all over again at our beach park.

  14. Adding ‘Beach’ will settle some of the confusion but it will not change the crime stats. Many are by zip codes and we share 33461. The cost to the city for this change will be enormous and take years to completely transition. Could open the pool with what it will cost to make this change. Wasteful.

  15. Why talk about the name change as though it were a foregone conclusion. If it comes to a vote, it will be voted down. Only a malcontent would even think of such a thing. Why not just call it Ocean City, or Wildwood. It makes just as much sense.

    The name of the city is Lake Worth! End of Story!

  16. When I first looked at homes in this area I was very confused with listings showing up as LW yet being on the other side of green acres on the map. I actually think the city of LW benefits a bit from this deception because a google real estate search shows beautiful suburban homes for sale in “Lake Worth”... when really it’s unincorporated areas miles west of the city. I’m new to the area but I bought a home in the city and invested in it succeeding. What is the deal with the local media continually branding LW in a negative light? Even the Wikipedia page has a significant blurb about crime and gangs that you don’t see mentioned on countless other cities in this country especially one of this size. Whether warranted or not this isn’t something you advertise on wiki- and it was entered by a reporter (who doesn’t live here!) I find this behavior unusual and counterproductive. If LW needs anything I think it’s a good PR firm before a name change.
