Wednesday, November 14, 2018

City Commission Meeting - Getting more Political and "In Your Face"

At approximately 1 hour and 19 seconds into the meeting, Commissioner Robinson brings up gerrymandering.  He said, "Gerrymandering is a cancer on democracy...when politicians can choose the electorate, we have a problem. That's not the way it's supposed to be."

Gerrymandering definition: the dividing of a state, county, etc., into election districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts while concentrating the voting strength of the other party into as few districts as possible. It has been said that imbalances are not caused by partisan redistricting, but by other “structural” factors such as concentration of Democrats in urban areas.

Public commentary began soon after and a young woman identified as Amanda Grey giving her address as 310 N. Dixie, spoke about 1:08:16 accusing one of our commissioners, for whom she did not identify by name, as being "racist." If you were at that meeting you know she is talking about Commissioner Maxwell. This is always the case with liberals.

She didn't like his questions towards School Board member Erika Whitfield at the last meeting or his remarks about illegal aliens for what she considers his total lack of decorum..."spreading false rumors" about crime, illegals, etc. Apparently Commissioner Hardy interceded in the hallway and stopped the "racist" commissioner from speaking further.

At the end of my public commentary I set the record straight and said, "that commissioner is NOT racist". If you don't agree with Democrats, they label you as "racist."  Ms. Grey accused our commissioner of having no decorum but she had none when she attacked him.


  1. She was spot on with her comments, Lynn. He's been rude and aggressive this year, while missing quite a number of meetings and workshops.

  2. What she was--another liberal who just can't handle a different point of view. She was about as rude as a Jim Acosta in her own way. Her speech was full of rudeness that only a Democrat would enjoy. I guess she's been listening to Mad Max or watching Rachel Maddow too much.
    I didn't like the "gerrymandering" crap either.

  3. Speaking of folks who can't handle a different point of view and who is rude and crude and you read your own blog, Lynn?

  4. @5:56--dumb question.
    As said, this is a conservative blog. I don't expect , socialists, communists, progressives, open border people, haters, etc. to like what I say.

  5. Talk about not wanting to hear another opinion. She was completely respectful, thoughtful and again, spot on.

    Try and stay on the rails, Lynn.

    Scott has run his course. His new job at RPPBC is taking time away from his duties here. I'm not saying he shouldn't have a job, but if he can't fulfill his obligations here, he should give up his seat.

  6. My point, Lynn, which apparently escaped you, is that you do everything that you hate others to do. Some would call it hypocritical, others might call it psychotic.

    Whichever it is, it's odd that you rant and rail about people just like you in so many ways.

  7. @8:19–NOTHING much escapes me. Go to a liberal blog and get your jollies off.

  8. @7:57.
    She was anything but respectful. She was being a typical Democrat. How dare she call him a "racist" for what he said.
    So, it was she who was off the rail here and you too for agreeing with her.

  9. Maxwell’s original question to Whitfield was fair. His tone and attempt to belittle Whitfield in his math questioning was rude. You weren’t privy to the conversation she had with Maxwell in the hallway so you don’t know exactly what he said to her. The gentleman who spoke after her was in the hallway for Maxwells additional comments and cooberated her message. Both were well spoken and respectful.

  10. No, @4:56, but I was there while she and her male friend spoke at the lectern. It's amazing, after what they both said, especially Amanda Grey, that Maxwell could even keep his composure. Liberals think they can attack anyone today and get away with it and want everyone to think exactly as they do. Got news for ya. It's offensive and frankly, Republicans are sick of it. Maxwell represents the LEGAL citizens of this city.

  11. Well, scott and many elected do this stuff, our condo president is the same way, so nasty and horrible and cuts people off and in really bad to so many at meetings in front of all, now it is getting closer to the new BOD elections, he is all kind and friendly again and trying to get votes. So many elected are like this. Sounds like Amanda needs to run for office or her friend, maybe both. Treating people this way is unacceptable by politicians, so vote them out. scott can be really nasty sometime, so I would never come to his defense.

    I do hope he really supports legal immigration and stops allowing Lake Worth to be a sanctuary city, but his Catholic roots may prevent him to do so with him in Father Q's hand.

  12. @7:52. I wish that all elected officials would stand up for our laws and the Constitution. Unfortunately, they get too "politically correct" as did this entire commission when it voted for the Resolution in April for Lake Worth to become a "Welcoming city"...same as a Sanctuary city IMO.
    The city attorney put a caveat (another WHEREAS) at the end of the Resolution stating that Lake Worth is NOT a Sanctuary City. What a complete farce.

    Stand up, commissioners. You are already out-numbered on the dais with 3 Democrats vs. two Republicans and you have made our local elections partisan.

    They even made a Resolution to ban AR-15's and said it was an assault weapon.
