Monday, November 19, 2018

Border Wall Project in Arizona

November 18, 2018
New Border Wall Plan Revealed

The Trump administration has recently revealed a new border wall project in Arizona. The Washington Examiner reports:

The Arizona border will have 32 miles of existing wall replaced starting next April.

The $324 million project has been given the green light by federal immigration officials, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Thursday.

The project will switch out an old barrier that runs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector west into the Yuma Sector, which is just miles from Arizona’s border with California. The replacement wall is meant to keep pedestrians and vehicles from entering the U.S. Older barriers were largely to prevent cars from driving over, but were only a few feet tall and did little to keep people from trespassing from Mexico.

The undertaking, which will be paid for by congressional funding for CBP from 2018 legislation, is part of President Trump’s January 2017 executive order to secure the country by improving barriers in vulnerable and high-traffic areas.

This is a crucial piece of border security that will make all Americans safer. [The Whitehouse]


  1. I read that the troops on the border are already heading home just as the first migrants are arriving. What is going on? I thought they were there to protect us but they're being sent home? We were told they were going to help seal the border!!!

  2. Their mission is basically completed--engineering and logistics units whose jobs included placing concertina wire and other barriers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexico border according to politico. I guess they were not sent there to detain people and none were armed.
    Border Security and ICE will protect our border.

  3. over 5,000 guys to lay some barbed wire seems like overkill to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it scared all them illegals into running back home, but I think it was a little too much theater.
