Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bias of Palm Beach Post

Showing the bias of The Palm Beach Post, their political reporter George Bennett said in yesterday's Post, "Republicans just suffered their worst U.S. house drubbing since Watergate and Trump's national approval ratings are underwater." He stated that Trump's approval rating was "a dismal 38 percent in the latest Gallup poll."

Rasmussen has a different poll out on November 16th--

Friday, November 16 President Trump Job Approval
Rasmussen Reports-- Approve 49, Disapprove 50-- Disapprove +1

The point here is that a journalist can find anything to support his argument. The Post is always negative towards President Trump and slants its reporting to promote that bias. The Post failed to give us an Obama/Trump comparison for the same time in office. In November 11-17 2013, Obama's rating from Gallup was 41 approval and 53 disapproval.

I, as do many, believe that the Post intentionally tilts the news in favor of one political party (Democrats) philosophy and constantly is negative towards our President, often quoting The Washington Post and the New York Times. Just read their endorsements for this 2018 Mid-Term election. That will tell you what they're all about.


  1. why does anyone even read that rag.i don't know who gets it anymore

  2. Some columnist who thinks he's funny recently did a piece full of racial stereotypes about Latinos, while it's true they landscape, others do too and they also do other work. Police, medical and so on.

  3. I don't take this paper anymore. I don't take any paper.

  4. You're always telling your readers to go elsewhere if they don't like what you write here. You've been complaining about the Post for ever. Here's a suggestion: Don't read it. Find something else. It's real simple, right? It will survive without you and your wild far right views.

    I guarantee it.

  5. @4:19--Definitely will survive without YOU.
    Stuff it.
    Why don't you "go elsewhere?" Go audit someones's tax return or something.

  6. Lynn Anderson: Lake Worth's silver-haired Dipshit. People joke about you behind your back and then give you a nice big smile.

  7. @9:26--only developer whores, Democrats, socialists, communists and that ilk. Getting to ya, huh coward? The one who smiles and then stabs someone in the back? You have zero courage and zero credibility.

  8. I heard someone at the last meeting use the term dipshit will put a name with it .be aware 9'26
