Monday, October 8, 2018

White Rose Society--Another Hate Group

There are a lot of hate groups in America. Usually the media writes about White Supremacists, David Duke and the KKK. But most of them are left-leaning wing nuts such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter or the White Rose Society. And their members sincerely believe the crap they spew...I think.

This is what they say about Republicans:

OK with forcing women to bear rapist's children.
OK with people concealing deadly weapons on their person.
OK with laws allowing you to shoot anybody who scares you.
OK with children starving in the midst of plenty.
OK with old people eating cat food.
OK with young fathers dying of curable illness due to lack of means of paying for that cure.
OK with keeping black folks from voting.
OK with ME if we finally flush these pieces of crap down the loo!

They believe that conservatives are fascists when in fact, they are. It is simply amazing that there are so many nut jobs in this country.


  1. Michael Chase Flack Fox is a member of this society

  2. White Rose Society-A piece of $hit by any other name would smell like crap!
