Sunday, October 28, 2018

Vote NO on Amendment 4

This morning, the liberal left-wing biased Palm Beach Post's headline read--"Florida Felon Voting Rights--Scott restored rights to lowest percentage of blacks, highest percentage of Republicans in 50 years."

There you have it..just more proof of their liberal and racist approach to everything. The Post came after Rick Scott and suggested racism all in the same breath. Most of the liberals like this amendment...they  advocate for more felon rights--it's all about the vote for them.

I haven't seen one campaign AGAINST this amendment other than on this blog.


  1. "I haven't seen one campaign AGAINST this amendment other than on this blog."

    That should tell you something, Lynn.

    Voting has never been about color to Americans. It's always been about our constitutional rights as Americans.

    In only 13 states, including Florida, do felons lose their rights permanently unless pardoned by the governor.

  2. You know the Post just printed an op-ed this morning recommending DeSantis for governor, right?

  3. @8:42..Gee thanks. This was written by the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce--not written by a Post editor or reprinted from the New York Times or Washington Post. The liberal very biased PBPost derives its income from advertising and I would guess they don't want to piss off the Chamber as they did with the United West this week.

  4. @8:23. Of course you want to play the race card here. Voting rights restoration is up to the states...not the U.S. Constitution. "Florida – Voting rights are restored by the Florida Board of Executive Clemency. Less serious crimes do not require a hearing with the clemency board. In those cases, disenfranchisement ends after it has been 5 years after completion of terms of incarceration, completion of parole and completion of probation. An application must be submitted to the court. For those with serious crimes, after 7 years, the Florida Executive Clemency Board will decide whether or not to restore voting rights after receiving an application from the ex-offender."
    What is wrong with that?
    There should be consequences for committing crimes.

  5. "There should be consequences for committing crimes."


    So when a felon has paid his debt to society and starts working on becoming a productive member of the community, I don't see any problem with him getting his rights back upon his release or completion of parole. It takes whatever bias a governor or a board may have and simplifies the process.

  6. I agree with you anonymous at 1:55...he can after 5 years. It is a proven fact that a large majority of these criminals go back to prison, over and over again. Let's see how they do working as an honest man in society for at least those 5 years.
    This is all about adding more Democrats to the voting roles and it will be passed, overwhelmingly, as we have a lot of bleeding hearts in the state of Florida along with power hungry liberals.

  7. "This is all about adding more Democrats to the voting roles..."

    Why do you say that?

  8. 5:36pm Sometimes something is said simply because it's true.

  9. Seriously, Lynn....why do you say "this is all about adding more Democrats to the voting roles?"

    I know it's not about race because you have already jumped on a commenter about "playing the race card here."

    So what is it?

  10. @8:34--It's called OPINION, anonymous. I know that Democrats can't stand the fact that some of us have a different opinion.
    These felons have to wait 5 years before they can get voting rights restored. I think the present policy is fine when you consider all of the criminals in this state. Read the previous blog I wrote on it.

    Besides, this amendment will pass. We will just get a whole lot more felons given voting rights who will end right back in prison again. Stats show that a large majority commit other crimes once released.

    I don't coddle these people.

  11. Well, don't worry then; if they are back in prison, they can't vote.

  12. I worry about all low lives and don’t believe they should have the privilege to vote

  13. Lynn, when your opinion is "This is all about adding more Democrats to the voting roles..." you have to have some reason as to why you think that just Democrats will benefit from this Amendment. I suppose it's possible that you have no reason, but most people have reasons for their opinions.
