Sunday, October 21, 2018

Tornoto Hospital - Euthanizing terminally-ill children

Toronto Children’s Hospital Set to Begin Assisted Suicide for Children. It Gets Worse.

This is simply unbelievable...euthanizing terminally-ill children. We have Hospice that is prevalent in our country and that's bad enough.  All it takes are two doctors to condemn a loved one to death. Hospice says that it preserves the quality of life for those who have a limited time to live. That is not my experience with a loved one under their care.

Laws are different in every state. In Florida, the statute says that every person deliberately assisting another in the commission of self-murder shall be guilty of manslaughter, a felony of the second degree.

Read about Toronto Children's Hospital...


  1. Disgusting. Very slippery slope.

  2. God does not want this! No to abortion, the death penalty, no to euthanasia!

    All forms of murder and against God's will!
