Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Synagogue Shooter

Robby Starbuck
‏Verified account @robbystarbuck
6h6 hours ago

Another post from Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers. His profile clearly illustrates that he’s a Nazi, admired Hitler, hates Trump, believes Trump is controlled by Jews, he did not vote for Trump. That’s all I was able to archive before his profile was wiped. Sickening.


  1. Thanks for posting this before MSM twists it!

  2. So would you say he's on the far left, or the far right of the political spectrum?

  3. What I would say is that he's a total whack job.

  4. Dazed and confused.

  5. I have to wonder if you really admire this guy, since your only objection seems to be the news coverage....
    Are you sure this is not just "fake news" and false flag?
    Why so much hate?
    Is this all we have left as Americans?
    I think not, we are better than this, even if it's not popular among extremists.

  6. @6:48--
    I think you should STOP hating so much. Accept the fact that Trump won; Hllary lost.
    Let's get on with making America Great.
