Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Left - An Unhinged Mob


  1. And they don't want to be called an unhinged mob. They are sensitive to the term because this is exactly what they are.
    What they are instigating is criminal in some cases.
    Two of them are has beens dying for power and attention. The others are the dregs of the senate and house.
    Vote Republican on November 6th.

  2. When they start running over Republicans with cars and killing them or when they show up at Trump rallies with assault rifles, call me.

    Otherwise, quit crying.

  3. @9:04--a crazy liberal already shot Steve Scalise. It's just a matter of time when someone else will be seriously injured as Mad Max is calling for it even Crooked Hillary herself.
    And I doubt seriously if I would call you as I don't even talk to liberals anymore...nothing in common...I seek SANITY.
    What the Democrats are into now is nothing more than recapturing their power in any means possible--dangerous politics. And the sheep follow them.

  4. Speaking of unhinged mobs, did you see in this morning's news that a few of the Proud Boys neo-fascist, alt-right types had been arrested in NYC after attacking some folks following a meeting with Gavin McInnis at the Metropolitan Republican Club?

    It's getting crazy!

  5. If you find yourself defending Nazis, Lynn, you may be looking at things wrong.

  6. 9:12am the only ones looking at things wrong are the unhinged mob. They are the Nazi and don't know it. Obama the community organizer planned this sittin back in one of his mansions.
