Monday, October 22, 2018

The Invasion of Honduran Criminals

"Two people burned a United States flag during a protest in favor of the caravan of migrants that is currently stuck on the Guatemala-Mexico border, in front of the American embassy, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018. They also gave us the middle finger. On TV it shows ppl in this #migrant #caravan not only carrying their countries flag but putting up their middle fingers‼️ When foreigners come in your country waving their flag that's called an invasion‼️ — Bethann (@sewwutnow) October 20, 2018"

  • The Honduran caravan is hostile.
  • They are not coming in peace.
  • They are not oppressed people seeking Asylum.
  • They are Honduran flag carrying, law breaking ANIMALS.
  • They should be stopped by ANY & ALL means possible.
  • Blast them back to Honduras! — CC (@ChatByCC) October 20, 2018 — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 20, 2018

Bring in the troops and stop this invasion. It's revolting that not one Democrat has spoken out against these people who want to cross our border illegally and give us the finger.


  1. gosh, is colin KAepernick behind this flag burning? they want to come to our country and carry their own country flag and burn ours?no way, jose.go back to wherever you came from.We don't want you here. Democrats grow a pair.

  2. That tweet is not in James Woods twitter feed.

  3. Stop them before they get to our border.

  4. I changed it @11:48.
    My editor keeps me on my toes.

  5. What happened to the caravan this past May, or the one last year? Nothing, that’s right nothing, idiotic news media has you once again. Suckers! LOL

  6. I hope the military takes appropriate action with these terrorists. I live in Delray and I don't want a caravan of people coming through my community. When are they supposed to arrive?

  7. Hey Anonymous at 5:05--it is now estimated that 14,000 are heading to our border. Don't you watch the damn news? Obviously you are an enemy of this country and I mean that most sincerely. SUCKER.
    Include Democrats in general in my last sentence.

  8. Hey Lynn, watch who you're calling the enemy, okay? Some people take that stuff seriously and you never know what they're going to do. Some real crazies out there.

  9. Is that a threat? If so, I have your info. Watch yourself, anonymous @1:32

  10. I think it's just filler, until the next major news event!
