Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Honduran Invaders

The Honduran caravan, like a rolling snowball, has grown to 14,000 wannabe illegal immigrants, and still growing. What should we do? Take our poll

I think we're on our own to solve this problem. Go President Trump.

Read about it... and take the poll.


  1. You're really going to do it, aren't you? You're going to ignore the bombs today...

    Here's Lynn's Rule: don't talk about anything that proves she's a horse's ass. If Lynn doesn't mention it, none of her Trump-loving readers will ever know it happened!

    What a wimp.

  2. Hey, stop the name calling. That's all you Democrats know how to do.
    I honestly hope that the FBI, etc. find out that the Democrats were behind this bomb hoax. Did you see one explode? No, of course not.
    Why should I mention it when every station had it on all damn day?
    You guys are apt to do anything when you're losing. PATHETIC.

  3. Fake news was all over this story; proof that it's a hoax. Anything starting with Soros is.

  4. Don’t you watch the damn news!

  5. Nothing happened but a failed diversion from desperate Democrats.

  6. Phony bombs sent by democrat agent provocateurs to take the heat off their mob actions and rhetoric.
    Vote Republican on November 6th.

  7. I like when Lynn makes comments using other names or's the truly wacky and despicable stuff she reads and gets in her email during the day. It's so wacky she hates to put her name to it.

    But her readers know it's her...

  8. The ONLY whacks jobs are Democrats hell bent on destroying our country. What anonymous post do you attribute to me this time?
    Check into 45th street.
    Democrats attack when they are LOSING and they LIE all of the time. Take corrupt Gillum as an example of that.
    We have your number.

  9. 11:07am paranoid nut, those are my comments and I'm not Lynn. Her readers know YOU. P.S. you're off subject again why not start your own blog?

  10. I am not Lynn, but I agree with her and on her side. The dems are out of touch, too liberal, lawless and chaotic, we all want law and order over here. Go Lynn and thank you for all you do!
